Glyn Roberts
Glyn has 30+ years experience in high technology design — from his start in microchip design, working alone, to the broad scope of system architecture and heading an international interoperability consortium.
Mr. Roberts has a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Waterloo. He designed radio microchips for cellular phones at NovAtel Communications, while authoring four related US patents. He’s experienced at high technology Program Management and Project Management. His career evolved into a Strategic Marketing role in the Advanced System Technology Labs in a top 5 semiconductor company (ST Microelectronics). In this role he presided as President for an international consortium which developed and promoted a new generation radio standard (IEEE 802.15.3 / ECMA-368/369) – fellow Board of Directors included; Intel, Microsoft, Samsung, HP, and Motorola, with a combined industry investment estimated at $2-3B.
After Glyn moved back home to Ontario from silicon valley, California, in 2010, he focused on robotics and technology based art. This led to collaborating with a fellow geek, Sean Snell, on technologies targeting film and television production, where Sean was already an established technology wiz. After a couple of years developing solutions and accumulating know-how, and enjoying their complementary skills sets, they co-founded Cinnig Motion Systems in 2015.